Check out this video from Pelham High School’s Kindness Day

The group organizing has the flexibility to customize how they would like to let the day unfold!

See photos from one of Pelham High School’s Kindness Days here.

Bring a blast of kindness to your school - perfect for a class or a club to take on! The group initiating this event works together, chooses a specific day, prepares the necessary material, and then on the chosen day overwhelms the school with messages of kindness.

Possible activities:

  • Kindness notes on every locker

  • Kindness notes on hallways

  • Messages written in chalk about kindness on sidewalks

  • The distribution of kindness bags to a large number of students and staff. Bags might include fortune cookies with kindness quotes on them, kindness stickers, kindness bracelets, chocolate kisses, pencils with kindness messages on them, etc.