The Project Ellie Walking in Another’s Shoes Program

“Do not judge a man until you’ve walked two moons in him moccasins.” - Native American Proverb

There are three parts of the Walking in Another’s Shoes program: The sock drive, the city field trip, and the writing contest. A school can participate in the sock drive alone, or add the field trip or writing contest as well. Here’s the scoop:

The Sock Drive:

Holding a sock drive is an excellent way for a school to get involved in charitable giving. Socks are easy to purchase and to collect. Making the sock drive a competition is an option for schools as well. In this case, schools that have an advisory or other structure where students can work in teams works best. As a team, students compete in collecting socks, and the group that collects the most receives a prize. This video, which you can watch here, can be used to kick off the event.

If the sock drive is made competitive, the winning group will receive a complementary breakfast. (or something else that works for the group.) See details here.

Project Ellie will help with publicity and with organizing. Additionally, I am available to speak to groups of various sizes about the homeless, about tolerance, and about the value of socks!

Students in the City:

Part of Project Ellie’s mission is to provide opportunities for individuals to perform kind deeds.  With this in mind. Project Ellie provides the opportunity for students at schools that participate in sock drives to come to Boston to distribute gift bags to homeless individuals. Students will also participate in a lunch and learn program hosted by Bridge Over Troubled Waters, Boston’s only homeless shelter for teens.

Check out the significance of the Students in the City field trip here:

The Writing Contest:

The topic for this writing contest is - Putting oneself in another’s shoes. This topic enables the writer to truly think about what it might be like to be someone else. This assignment encourages nonjudgmental behavior and compassion toward others. Winner will receive $150. See assignment and guidelines here.

Find current sock drive info here: